Fulfilling the call of the hour of young chartered accountants, the Young Chartered Accountants' Forum (YCAF) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) organized an executive development workshop recently which was attended by over 50 participants. The programme was conducted by well experienced trainer Ms. Loretta Gunawardena who has a track record for training many corporate executives in Sri Lanka and overseas.
The topics covered included executive presence, effective communication, emotional intelligence, business etiquette, stress management, giving and receiving feedback with a special emphasis on building confidence and character. Many executable tips were shared, and the session was made interesting by real world examples, stories and research findings. The interactive session included presentations, videos, group activities and opportunity for all participants to voice themselves.
Many participants expressed their views after the workshop, with some of them calling this workshop "the best they've attended"," with a lot of take always" and "opened their eyes to a totally different sphere in soft skills”. The participants' feedback was positive, and was seen an as encouragement to YCAF to organize sessions of this nature in the future as well.