Richmond College wins Galle/Matara regional round at CA Sri Lanka’s 2017 Business Plan competition
Richmond College, Galle won the CA Sri Lanka 2017 Business Plan Competition's Galle/Matara Regional Round, beating several other leading schools from the two districts, to qualify for the competition’s grand finale on March 28, 2017.
Southland Balika Vidyalaya became the first runner up while Sanghamitta Balika Vidyalaya came in as the second runner up at the competition which saw a total of five schools including Rahula College and Sacred Heart Convent taking part in the regional round.
The Business Plan competition organised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) brings together schools from across the island with each school team comprising of five students who are sitting for the G.C.E. Advanced Level Examination. The winners of each regional round will vie for the championship at the Business Plan grand finale later this month. The winning team will fly to Australia to take part in the Case Competition organized by the QUT Business School of the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia in May 2017.