The groundbreaking Certified Finance and Accounting Specialist (CFAS) professional qualification which received overwhelming response during its inaugural intake last year, is now on its second intake and the course, offered by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) will commence this month.
The qualification, which guarantees a successful future in the outsourcing industry, is a 15 month programme, which can be followed by students who have successfully completed the GCE Advanced Level examination, or part qualified professionals from the IT/BPM industry.
CFAS is an industry qualification leading learners to become FAO professionals, where technical and professional skills have been blended to cater to the designated job roles for the finance and accounting outsourcing (FAO) industry.
The qualification has also been endorsed by Sri Lanka Association for Software and Services Companies (SLASSCOM) and supported by The Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) of Sri Lanka.
The programme’s inaugural intake was held mid last year and received overwhelming response with both students and professionals following the programme, due to its very contemporary curriculum.
The CFAS qualification is offered at three levels; Trainee Associate, Senior Associate and Team Lead. The course which will cover a total of 12 learning modules, will focus on four major study areas; Finance & Accounting, Management Aspects, Process & Quality, and Professional Skills, which are all important to ensure a successful career in the outsourcing industry.
The programme relevancy has been further enhanced as the lecture panel comprises of qualified professionals serving in the industry.
The qualification also paves way for internship as part of the qualification, where after completing the necessary training requirement, students will be provided an internship at a leading BPO company, approved by SLASSCOM. Subsequent to completing their internship, and based on their individual performance, students will be absorbed into these companies.
During the past few years, Sri Lanka has witnessed a significant growth in the business services industry sector. The vision of the IT/ BPM (Business Process management) industry in Sri Lanka is to achieve USD 5 billion in exports by 2022 while generating 200,000 jobs and facilitating 1,000 startup ventures in Sri Lanka, which is important for the country’s long term future.