Students who have completed the London Advanced Level examinations can now enjoy the opportunity of choosing a highly reputed degree programme right here in Colombo, which will offer students recognition both in Sri Lanka as well as abroad, apart from a very promising career in the field of accounting.
The BSc. in Applied Accounting degree programme offered by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) is approved by the University Grants Commission has been developed with the primary objective of creating employable graduates with the required skills, competencies and industry knowledge to fulfill a successful accounting career.
The degree programme has been designed primarily targeting students from both the local Advanced Level streams as well as the London Advanced Level streams who aspire to follow a recognized academic qualification in accounting for professional employability.
The BSc. Degree in Applied Accounting offered by CA Sri Lanka comes with a host of unlimited opportunities for the undergraduates who are following the programme, including a transfer opportunity to one of Australia’s leading universities, La Trobe, which has its main campus in Melbourne, and a multi-campus university in Victoria.
The accreditation allows students who have completed 2 years of the BSc. (Applied Accounting) degree in Sri Lanka and enroll at La Trobe University, Australia for the final year or to enter into a two + two and half year model where students complete their undergraduate degree and get preferential entry through a streamlined process to complete a Master’s degree. Both models has an option of providing students with post study work rights (PSWR) Australia.
Registrations are currently open for the September 2016 intake, which is offered both at full time and part time basis. Registration is currently accepted from students with pending A/L results.