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IFAC Global SMP Survey 2015 now open for feedback

The IFAC Global SMP Survey for 2015 by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) is now open for feedback.

As a member of CA Sri Lanka, your input as an individual working in practice on this survey on the challenges facing small or medium sized accountancy practice (SMP), as well as SME clients, your business performance, and other key areas is very important for monitoring the global developments affecting SMPs.

CA Sri Lanka invites you to submit your comments to IFAC which would contribute towards enhanced global insights that will ultimately help IFAC and CA Sri Lanka serve you better.

Please click the link below to access the survey - http://ifac.global-smp-survey-2015-em.sgizmo.com/s3/

If you need further clarifications or information, please contact the Technical Division on 011 2352000 (Ext: 1455).

* Survey will expire on 30th November 2015.